Ginger Soap Recipe

Use this Ginger Soap Recipe to create a soap that has a warm spicy scent with an antiseptic quality.

No essential oils will be used in this recipe. Instead, for the ingredients we will use a juiced ginger root liquid as part of the H20.  For the additives we will use a ginger root powder.

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Ginger Soap Recipe:


a. Lard - - - - - - - -70%………….…14.0 oz.

b. Olive Oil- - - - -20%…….………. 4.0 oz.

c. Coconut Oil - - -10%…………….. 2.0 oz.

    Total: 3 Oils = 100%       =          20.0 oz.

2. LYE Amount = 2.69 oz. (.05% Superfatted)

3. H20 Amount Total = 6.62 oz.

          a. 50% Distilled Water = 3.31 oz.

          b. 50% Juiced Ginger Root = 3.31 oz.

4. ADDITIVES: Ginger Powder amount = 1.0 oz. Add this at light trace.

Ginger Soap Recipe by the numbers

The oils and fats used for this ginger soap recipe are: Lard, Olive Oil and Coconut Oil. This combination of oils gives us our soap attribute numbers found at the Soap-Calc.  The numbers are listed below:  

1. Hardness of………………….( 41 ).

2. Cleansing capabilities of….…..( 7 ).

3. Conditioning qualities of…....( 54 ).

4. Bubbly factor is at………….…( 7 ).

5. Creamy number is……….…..( 33 ).

6. Iodine is at….……………..…( 58 ).

7. The INS number is at…..…...( 144 ).

So what do all these numbers mean? Well with these seven soap qualities, there are optimal range numbers for each quality found at the soap-calc.

Compare your Soap Recipe numbers.

Here are the 7 soap quality ranges from the soap-calc.

1 Hardness. Best range is between (29 – 54). The higher the number the harder the soap bar will be. Our soap hardness number was ( 41 ) which is right in the center. This soap will be of a normal hardness.

2. Cleansing. Best range is between (12 – 22). The lower the number the more mild the soap. Our cleansing number was ( 7 ) which is below the optimal range. That’s good because this will be a very mild soap bar.

3. Conditioning. Best range is between (44 – 69). The higher the number the more soothing and softening to your skin. We have ( 54 ) which means normal amounts of softening and soothing capabilities.

4. Bubbly. Best range is between (14 – 46). The higher the number, the more bubbly lather. Our Bubbly number is ( 7 ). This is below the optimal range.  We’ll still have lather, just a minimal amount of bubbly lather.

5. Creamy. The best range is between (16 – 48). The higher the number the more lather you will have. Our Creamy number is ( 33 ). This is within the normal range and will give us a normal amount of lather.

6. Iodine. The range here is anything (under 70). You want your Iodine number to be under 70 so that your soap will not go rancid! Our number is ( 58 ).  It will not go rancid as it’s well below the threshold number.

7. INS. The best range here is between (136 – 165). The lower the number the more moisturizing the soap will be to your skin. Our number is ( 144 ). This number is close to the center range which means our soap will have a normal moisturizing ability.